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Axial Theatre is a Grant Award Winner! Thank you ArtsWestchester for selecting us for the Matching Grant and two program grants!
Axial Theater is an ensemble based not-for-profit theater company currently in its 24th season. We are dedicated to supporting the professional development of playwrights and actors through presenting staged workshops, development readings, and full productions.
A New Twist
This year, we decided to do Twisted Valentines a little differently. Instead of writers submitting works they had written, a bold group of 8 playwrights gathered together to write new pieces for the 2020 Twisted Valentine's show. The playwrights were given a shared location (a restaurant in Pleasantville), some character prompts and sent on their way. Several weeks later, the drafts came in and we all began the process of integrating the plays for a cohesive evening.
What we discovered is that we had 8 vignettes documenting the comings and goings of customers and staff at "Il Ristorante di Bruno" over the course of Valentine's Day. It is our pleasure to invite you into that world with:
Love Contained by Lisa Kimball
Directed by Rachel Jones
With: Marilyn Collazo, Jeff Callan & Gail Greenstein
No Lovers for Helen by Niki Hatzidis
Directed by Tom Wallace
With: Sandy Oppedisano Rooney, Catherine Banks & David Michael Kirby
Calculating by Stephen Baluzy
Directed by Rachel Jones
With: Anthony Barresi, Jr., Michael E. Boyle, Jr. & Marilyn Collazo
Luella & Josh by Mandy Murphy
Directed by David Adam Gill
With: Mandy Murphy, Andrew Griffin, & David Michael Kirby
Okay, Valentine by Linda Bidwell Delaney
Directed by Catherine Banks
With: David Hurd, Emily Aronoff & Brandon Rumaker
Riunité on Ice, That's Nice! by Patrick Lennon
Directed by Virginia Reynolds
With: Lori Franzese, Shawn Brown & David Michael Kirby
Clear Dark Night by Susan Egginton
Directed by Nathan Flower
With: Roberta Robinson, Dan Slavin & Henry Winship
More by Evelyn Mertens
Directed by Nathan Flower
With: Henry Winship & Missy Flower
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